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Our server is dedicated to giving people a fun and enjoyable server. Our staff are picked very stricty so we do not have abusive staff. We also hope that people help others so when staff are not on newcomers feel welcome to the server.
When someone does not act civil and/or break rules we will punish them no matter if we like them or not. We will jail them, kick them and many other punishments depending on how badly the broke the rule and what rule it is they broke. As much as we hope we don't have to ban people and punish them, every server has to handle unbehaved players. We punish them so you can have a more enjoyable time on the server.
We hope that if you enjoy it, you will favourite it, diamond it, and vote for our server on Planet Minecraft. Remember you can vote every day! We hope that if you enjoy the server you will donate to it.
We hope you have fun! :D
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